This article from the Green Bay News Chronicle portraits a couple really living by their bikes.
Passionate people
During the last weeks I've got loads of referrals from the site
LigFietz Plaza linking to my post about
Stylish Bicycle Storage. It's a Dutch club for Recumbent riders. It seems to be a really big thing in the Netherlands. Here in Sweden you see them from time to time but not that often. However the people who ride them and participate in online communities seems to be very serious and passionate about their riding. It makes you want to try it out.
Fantomen (the Phantom)
Another interesting spin-off from the post about
Surly's Pugsley was the comment by Mary which lead me to the site
Velo Mobiling. This is something i have never seen in Sweden except for some blueprints on a model called
"Fantomen" (Phantom) you could buy from the Mail Order company
Hobbex when i was a kid. Last time i checked they still sold the blueprints for 42 SEK roughly 4$.
Velomobiling was as passionate about their thing as the Recumbent people was. And when people are passionate about things that for me seems a bit strange or odd i think it gets even more interesting.
I think that there should be more cross-over get-togethers among HPV-users no matter what kind of vehicles you use. This would give us curious people a chance to try, feel and understand each other.
Maybe i missed something. Maybe this kind of meetings already exist. If so please enlighten me. I can't wait to pedal that Fantom or go feet-first on a stream lined recumbent.