Cannondale's Amazing Invention

TrapTek's technology is a activated carbon fiber made from coconut shells. Cannondale utilizes this in their "Quadtex Carbon TM" fabric, which is used in their L.E. Carbon Collection of apparel.

Is this a Wool-Killer? Not sure but it sounds like it. I'm currently into wool since it already got most of the characteristics of the above material. But cycling clothes in wool are expensive and hard to find. At least here in Sweden.
I will definitely feel this out when it hits the stores.
I'm goig to have to get a hold of this issue of Time. Apparently there was a Trike/Bike of some kind that was also highlighted.
What's interesting is that Cannondale recently acquired Sugoi. Is this new invention coming from Cannondale's apparel division or the Sugoi division? Seems like duplication if they don't merge the two together.
I just checked out Sugios website and their "technology" section. They didn't mention this new material in there so i guess it's a Cannondale thing.
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